Call Us 0800 975 0728
35 Years Professional Event Management

Event of the Month - Quizmania



It is yet to warm up, so whilst we are still looking at our indoor teambuilding events we would like to welcome our new Quizmania event!

Our Quizmania is an interactive and engaging quiz that takes you and your team around the world using our iPad Minis.

Teambuilding | Quiz Evenings


Quizmania is by no means a run of the mill quiz; your team will be presented with one of our iPad tablets for the evening which contains a variety of general knowledge questions, mental conundrums and creative challenges! Teams will have to unlock challenges linked to locations around the Globe.

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Don’t be expecting to just be confined to your seat either… your team will need to work together to recreate photos, act out video challenges and scour the room and nearby area for items to collect.

Points are uploaded instantly to the live score board during the event which everyone can see, rather than having to wait until after the quiz to find out how you have fared! This ratchets up the competition and generates a brilliant atmosphere.

Hidden Quest EM bribe Medals

Post event your photos and video clips will be sent over to you to be shared around the office!


The brilliant thing about our Quizmania event is that we can pretty much set up anywhere! This event works perfectly over a dinner between courses, or as an after dinner entertainment… we just suggest a private dining room unless you don’t mind performing a Haka dance in front of a restaurant full of people (**spoiler alert**)!

Haka clients

So it’s time to dust off your thinking caps and put to use all of those episodes of ‘QI’ you’ve watched over the years!

Let's Get The Ball Rolling...

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8:30am-5:30pm Monday-Friday
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