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Praise for the NHS


While a huge proportion of us are sitting furloughed in our gardens sipping a gin and tonic, watching our children play in the sunshine complaining about how hard life is in lock down, our frontline workers in the NHS and care homes are risking their lives every day to battle this deadly virus. Whilst they might not be battling it first hand - supermarket staff, refuge collectors, cleaners and delivery drivers are also leaving the house every day not knowing what they will face to keep the UK turning. 

Huge names have already pledged free concerts, discounted holidays, free tickets for sporting events etc for NHS workers once we can safely say we have emerged from this crisis but what can we do to show our support now? 


You may have noticed pictures of rainbows in peoples windows during your daily exercise... ‘You can’t have a rainbow without rain’ and this is exactly the reasoning behind the gesture. Some say this is to show support for the frontline workers, some, to brighten others days but either way we think it’s a great positive message to display and a fantastic expression of community spirit. If you don’t want to create your own image - Damien Hirst has created his very own ‘Butterfly Rainbow’ that will be auctioned off to raise money for the NHS - you can download a printed copy of it here

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Set up by one woman, Olivia Strong, on her morning run , this has gone much further that she could have ever dreamed. The concept is for you to run, cycle or walk 5k, donate £5 to the nhs and nominate 5 others to do the same. You can donate using the link here. We have all got on board with this at TBCo and our sister companies and you can too! 



Every Thursday evening at 8pm sounds of clapping and cheering has echoed through our streets as the UK joins together to show our thanks for all those working on the front line. If you haven’t already, make a date this Thursday to join in, it might not help them specifically but it certainly shows that all their hard work is appreciated. 



Can you sew? If so, join the thousands of people who are sewing scrubs, headbands, masks and washable bags for the NHS. A little help goes a long way! and after speaking to those who work within the NHS this is not only needed this is greatly appreciated! 

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People all around the country are doing their bit with various charity fundraisers. We couldn’t write a blog on this subject without mentioning the fantastic Captain Tom Moore who at 100 years of age has walked 100 laps of his garden, currently raising over £27 million! Wow! You can donate to his just giving page using the link here

Why not create a fundraiser of your own? whether it be a sponsored silence for the kids (a parents dream!), a quiz night amongst your friends, family or work colleagues via zoom where you all pledge a set amount and the amount goes to charity or if your creative, selling some of your wears... every little bit helps!


One thing we can all do regardless of commitments, fitness levels or skill set for the NHS is this - stay home, stay safe and protect your life and the lives of others. It’s a small thing to ask in the grand scheme of what others are having to do to battle this pandemic. 

Together we will get through this! 


We want to say a massive thank you to all the frontline workers in the UK from all of us at TBCo - keep doing what you are doing, you are amazing! 




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