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35 Years Professional Event Management

Virtual Team Building


Unfortunately we don’t offer virtual team building at this stage.. it’s just not what we do! The very principals of the team building activities we offer rely on bringing teams together from different sectors and working together towards an end goal... However until such times as events can take place or measures are put in place following government advice to allow events to be run safely (which hopefully will be soon!) we understand the need for businesses to keep their teams morale up, company goals focused and ensure that individuals do not feel isolated. 

At a time where companies are trying to reserve their funds to ensure the longevity of their businesses we’ve put some ideas together for some fun teambuilding activities that you can involve your teams in that are free and fun! 


Virtual scavenger hunt

Get your team linked into an online video conferencing tool such as zoom, make one person the conference leader and start giving the clues - 

Find a coffee mug??

Show something with the letter S? 

Recreate an image of the Statue of Liberty? 


Get to know your team

Everybody is given three subjects to talk about ; a favourite picture, book etc. This is a great way to get people talking and introduce new members to an established team 


Online quiz

Who doesn't love a quiz? and it doesn’t have to be one person organising it! Each member of your team can pick a genre from an emailed list and come up with five questions, alternatively there are plenty of example quizzes online


Online teambuilding bingo

Make a board (there are lots of ideas and blank templates online) and circulate to your teams - set a timeline for each team member to ask another member a series of questions and they get a point for anything they learn from a co-worker that relates to a box on their bingo board. You can then award prizes based on a line or full house as in a normal game - or of course just play a standard game of bingo! 


Pick a picture

Similar to an activity we have - Microdot, which is an activity within our Indoor Crystal Challenge event - one player will describe a picture or diagram to the other players and ask them to recreate it following simple instructions as directed by them such as draw a line from the top of an A4 page to the bottom 12cm long at a 45 degree angle. You can add colours, shapes etc and the closest match to the original picture wins! - it’s a great way of improving communication skills! 


Virtual charades

To be played as per the original game but why not instead of making it based on famous films or celebrities make it a little more difficult and base it on office scenarios that you personally face? - difficult customers, jammed printer, power cut or buzz words relating to your business?


These are just a few ideas, the list is endless but in this difficult scenario that we find ourselves faced with, don’t lose faith, there are still other ways to have fun with your teams! 


If your looking to get something booked in for your teams to look forward to on their return to work please give our events team a call on: 0800 975 0728 and they will happy to help ... and remember if due to the crisis we are facing the event is unable to go ahead once you have booked, we will be happy to postpone your date free of charge, meaning you can book in confidence! 


Hopefully things are looking up and we will be back to doing what we love soon! We can’t wait to be back with our amazing clients having huge amounts of fun and strengthening your teams but until then stay safe! 


Let's Get The Ball Rolling...

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