Team Building Exercise
The Effect Team Building Interventions Have on the Corporate Sector
A dissertation submitted by Ian Harnett in partial completion of the award for BSC (HONS) Sport Development and Coaching Sciences.
Click here for a full list of team building events
Chaper FOUR - Results
5) After the event
"In the time since the event, how have the team been affected, what changes have been experienced?"
Group 1
(12 Participants)
Crystal Challenge
Group 1 indicated that the team building intervention has had a significant and positive affect on the team, this can be seen in this comment:
"A newly formed project team will spend between four days and two weeks settling, getting to know the emergent leaders and other personality traits.
The team building day is a tool we use to reduce, and in some cases eliminate, this time delay. As with most of our projects time is against us.
Any way in which we can reduce this time will be explored."
Group 2
(21 Participants)
Everest Challenge
Group 2 stated that:
"The team building intervention was a success and directly after the event all of the desired areas had been successfully fulfilled, the morale was raised, people had common ground on which to communicate and they genuinely seemed happier within the workplace.
However, in the three months since the event the effect has gradually worn off and the productivity of the team has decreased to the level it was before the event."
After the impact of the event the management were very pleased with its effectiveness and hoped that once the team had started to communicate they would continue and form relationships.
However, it seems that once the event had been talked about they were still lacking in common ground.
"We are still trying to figure out how we can change this, team building is high on the list after the effects it had after the last event.
We need to work with Progressive Resources to develop a way in which we are able to retain the interest and morale."
Group 3
(19 Participants)
Corporate Sailing Day
Group 3 experienced a dramatic increase in productivity;
"Our production has increased by 12% in the 6 weeks since the event, this is a huge increase and is well above our targets.
I believe that the sailing weekend is directly responsible for this increase and am delighted at how things have turned out.
It is not only productivity that has improved, the workers are noticeably happier and they communicate a lot more with everyone, not just their direct companions."
The improved productivity is significant to this major automobile company's welding department.
Group 4
(65 Participants)
It's a Knockout
Group 4 reported that:
"The main rebels who were leading the protests against increased targets did become more subdued after the event although there were some comments about spending the money on increased pay.
The team enjoyed the activities and I believe that they wanted to feel a sense of belonging and reward which is what the event provided.
The event has served its purpose and people have accepted, and are getting on with, their new targets."
Group 5
(17 Participants)
Facilitated Belbin Event
Group 5 said:
"The Belbin facilitated event discovered what sort of team member each person was.
This was expected to then create a hierarchy of sorts, separating each person into their most suitable role.
In some cases though it led to conflict, some people were told they were leaders while others told they were not, they therefore saw this as less powerful and argued the system.
However, it did provide a fascinating insight into the personality break up of the company and it is a learning experience that will take the company forward in many ways."